Is rooted in the belief that most individual, interpersonal, and institutional problems are created, sustained, and patterned by systematic barriers. These problems cannot be shifted by focusing solely on changing the behaviors of individuals.
Centers the belief that it is the responsibility of individuals in the group that most benefit from a system to dismantle it. In other words, it is the responsibility of white people to dismantle racism. It is the responsibility of men to dismantle sexism. It is the responsibility of the wealthy to dismantle classism.
Amplifies the work of historically devalued people and communities
Prioritizes non-traditional research methods. We don’t only value qualitative, peer reviewed, Eurocentric, cismale, straight, and/or patriarchal methods
De-centers whiteness
Does not proclaim to have all the answers. Sometimes there are more questions.
Interrogates the idea of “expert”. Experts are those who experience the harm
Centers anti-racism
Centers the belief that people have internal power AND systematic barriers exist
Acknowledge intersectionality, but center racism as the largest driver for the problems we observe and experience.
If this sounds like a lot to think about, fret not. We are here to do the equitable thinking for you. You are allowed to simply show up and have the experience.
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." -Martin Luther King, Jr.